English Reading Practice #2 - Giving Directions

Hello again and, as always, thanks as always for reading our blog.
Have you been anywhere new recently?
Probably not, but we can still use directions to talk about a method (list of actions) or recipe (for food). To give directions in English, don't use a subject (主語). Start with the verb (動詞), like this sentence. Or like the previous sentence (さっきの文の様に), start with "don't".
Do you know a method to making your own mask? Follow this video (2 min) for instructions to make a no-sew mask! It's definitely an easy DIY.
- First, find or buy some cloth (布) and either rubber bands or hair ties.
- Next, fold the cloth in half, and in half again. Don't fold it too small.
- Roll the hair ties into place and fold the edges inside your other folds.
- Last, pull the hair ties tight and try it on!
Here is an important video (1.5 min) mask hygine (マスク衛生) and how to use.
For a video about giving directions, check here (2.5 min).
For a challenge, check out this video (13.5 min) on modals of probablility.
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情熱あふれる教育者・起業家・事業主。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校で日本語と日本文化を専攻(在学中、東京の国際基督教大学に1年間留学)。カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校大学院で学んだあと、東京にある英会話スクールのメイン講師に就任。そこで英会話の教授法と学校経営とについて多くのことを学び、独自のスタイルとビジョンを築き始める。その後沖縄に転居し、2010年に英会話スクール「English World」を設立。経営者として現在にいたる。