English Reading Practice #14 - Exercise is a chore?
Hello again and, as always, thanks as always for reading our blog.
This week I asked our students this quesiton:
Do you enjoy exercise?
Most people answered answered 'yes'.
Some said it was not enjoyable but it is important for health so they have to do it.
I said: "Ah, so exercise is a chore for you."
The students said: "No, it's not 家事"
But in English, we talk about things that we have to do as "chores". I don't like to do them, but I have to.
It's 面倒臭い, it's a hassle, but I have to do it, 用事だから so it's a chore!
Of course, housework is a chore, but what else is a chore?
I don't like going to the bank, but I have to talk to the staff, so going to the bank is a chore!
I don't like making breakfast, but I am hungry in the mornings, so making breakfast is a chore!
I am too tired to go to the gym, but I have to exercise for my health, so going to the gym when I'm tired is a chore!
I don't like memorising vocab lists, but I want to improve my Japanese, so vocab lists are a chore!
Let us know on social media, what activities are a chore for you?
Comment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Image: People photo created by freepik
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情熱あふれる教育者・起業家・事業主。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校で日本語と日本文化を専攻(在学中、東京の国際基督教大学に1年間留学)。カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校大学院で学んだあと、東京にある英会話スクールのメイン講師に就任。そこで英会話の教授法と学校経営とについて多くのことを学び、独自のスタイルとビジョンを築き始める。その後沖縄に転居し、2010年に英会話スクール「English World」を設立。経営者として現在にいたる。